Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Monday, June 09, 2008

Gosh, I Hate Time-Warner

Due to work and health and internet issues I have not been blogging. For the past month I have been having a great deal of problems with my internet connection. If I could I would switch from time-warner to Grande but alas such is not possible. With any luck my connection to the the inter-tubes will remain secure.

As for why we didn't go to the convention and have done no blogging. Work issues have held me back as well as health issues. I am on the mend and I am even working are my next post. Until then...

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We're Going to Austin

We just received confirmation from Hector Nieto, TDP Communications Director, that we will be covering the convention.

My man Wonko's Bud Too will be covering the convention for me. Alas, family details and work won't allow me the time off. With any luck he'll have a good time.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus,

Wonko's Bud

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Un Otro Voice Has Signed Up To Cover The State Convention

Thanks to my good friend at Dos Centavos, who sent me the request form, I have requested credentials, for a special correspondent, to the 2008 State Convention. I know that we could have gone as either an alternate or delegate, but we wanted to take the chance and try this route. I know that this is a long shot, but hey a lot of things for me have been long shots.

I will let you know one way or the other how it goes.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus Wonko's Bud

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Gun At Hernandez Intermediate: Update

The school district is releasing information that I was unwilling to release. The student in question is a 12 year old sixth grade male student. The gun is now described as a 38 caliber revolver. The amount of ammunition on the students person was two rounds and the gun was unloaded. The administrator is Vice Principal Ricardo Soliz and the teacher is Mrs. Carlyle a sixth grade teacher. The names of the support staff have as of yet not been released.

Questions are starting to arise as to the way the school has handled the incident.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Gun Found In San Marcos Texas School

I have just this afternoon received word that a gun was found within a students possession at Hernandez Intermediate School. The school houses both fifth and sixth grades. The details are still sketchy and have only been confirmed by two sources.

The gun is described as a large caliber revolver, possibly a .357 magnum, and was confiscated from the student after a teacher noticed the student acting peculiar. An administrator was called by the teacher to search the students backpack. It was at that time the firearm was discovered. The gun may have been unloaded but the student was in possession of some ammunition.

It has been determined that this was the second day that the student brought the gun to school. Other students are known to have seen the gun yesterday and some were in possession of rounds consistent with the caliber of gun. It is assumed that those student's who had knowledge of the gun have been suspended and, that the student who brought the gun to school has been expelled.

My sources tell me that the administrator and the teacher both acted prudently, and should be commended for their quick thinking and good response. For one thing, the teacher is said to have noticed the student acting suspiciously with his backpack, and rather than let it pass notice contacted the administrator for assistance. The administrator called police when the weapon was found before informing the Superintendent, Dr. Shafer. The administrator had support staff search the school for those students with knowledge of the gun. Both teacher and administrator (as well as support staff) acted in the best interest of their students and their colleagues.

While I do have additional information, I am keeping it under wraps to protect the identities of those involved and, I will let the S.M.C.I.S.D. and the police divulge most of the other details.

At this time, the motive for the student bringing the gun to school is unknown, but the one thing that is certain is that a potential tragedy has been averted.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Writing R-E-A-L S-L-O-W

Just saw this online. Its actually a still from a fake ad. Basically, the ad makes fun of Hillary Clinton by saying that Laura Bush is ready to be president on day one. But there is a little problem with the fake ad it relies on fake facts. Now those of you who know me may be thinking, " Hold on, it's just a fake ad", but I have heard serious people make the same erroneous point.

The makers of the ad chose to overlook the simple little fact that not only is S-E-N-A-T-O-R Clinton a twice elected United States Senator but, before being a presidents wife, she was a lawyer. The experience gained from defeat, Ala the failed health care reform attempt of the early 90's, was a valuable lesson in national politics.

I don't know how others feel but, I want people around me who have learned from mistakes made. You learn more from your mistakes than from your success'. I guess that's why I like being Catholic. It's a religion that accepts our human condition while at the same time pushes one to be more than ones DNA.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sucess, Our Darkest Hour

I have been using the last few days trying to find a new place to live. I ain't leaving the Hill Country because of the election last week. No, we just need better digs. I have also spent some time thinking about the Democrat's near future.

We are a Party that loves to fight so much so that we sometimes we need to whomp on each other, and in the process forget that the Republicans make much better targets. Unlike the Reps, we currently suffer from an over abundance of success. We have seen this election cycle increase Democratic voter turnout. We have had without a doubt the best slate of presidential hopefuls, ever.

The new folks while they are a blessing they could also be a curse. While they may share an affinity for a particular candidate it remains unclear for me if that affinity translates into a new Democratic voter.

There is a old simile, "Un flor de tierra", a flower with shallow roots. Are the new folks who voted and caucused in the Texas primary really one of us? Are they voting for the Democratic principles which separates us from the Republicans, or are they people just caught up in the excitement of the moment ready to abandon us after the drunken revelry has passed? Will they stand with the eventual Democratic nominee in November?

Being a Dem isn't just about getting my guy or gal elected to office. Being a Dem is about caring about the little guy or gal. It's about helping people up when there is no one else there. It's about doing for the least amongst us. It's about doing one's duty and expressing ones' love of country in ways that help real people. There are those who think that Democrat's hate our country. One of my favorite quotes comes from Arthur Schlisinger Jr. (JFK aide and noted historian) he said, "It is wrong to just say my country right or wrong. The true patriot says, my country right or wrong, when right keep it right and when wrong make it right." That is what I think that the Democratic Party is trying to do.

I can only hope that during this, the Democratic Party's darkest hour, that we not lose perspective. Let us have an engaged debate but let us not lose the general election. If you support Obama or if you support Clinton imagine a world where there was a G.W.Bush third term. Isn't that in the end what we should all be fighting about?

Let's work to salvage our nations tattered honor.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Friday, March 07, 2008

An Open Letter "To Kiss My Big Blue Butt"

Dear Susan,

There are arguments to be made about Texas' dual primary caucus system. An argument can be made, and should be made, against the current system. It does appear from my vantage point that a vote in one part of Texas counts for more than other parts of Texas. If the state and national parties put more resources to court one constituency over another and then; the state formulates a system that further rewards the courted then yes, Democrats need to reevaluate the current system. If one can be had, there is nothing wrong with trying to develop a more equitable system.

I think that a primary system is always preferable over the caucus system. You write that, "The caucus system builds the grassroots." That is a valid argument in favor of the caucus system but would you consider that the caucus system favors only those who can afford to participate in such a system? Whenever I have attended my precinct caucus the only people who attend are those who can afford to. From what I have seen over the last few primary/caucus elections there are great opportunities for abuse. I have seen it in the pass and currently, I am looking into allegations that it has happened in my county.

You support Obama, I support Clinton, and that is where for the most part we disagree. From what I have read and from what I have seen, Senator Obama and Senator Clinton are for the most part indistinguishable. In the end, I will vote for whomever is the eventual nominee. I will do so because I believe in what the Democratic party has stood for.

Let me put it another way, I am a big D Democrat because I am a little d democrat. I won't allow the rough and tumble process allow me to attack Mr. Obama any more than I think you and others should attack Mrs. Clinton. I would rather and I hope you will consider that it is better to build up Mr. Obama rather than tear down Mrs. Clinton.

I would hope that in the end Clinton/Obama '08 is more than a true Yellow Dog Democrat's dream. Perhaps the candidate's and their supporter's egos' (yes, you and me) are the greatest hurdles for our Party to overcome.

At some point, someone needs to be the one to say basta (enough) this race is ours to lose, Democrats need to stand together if we are to prevail. The enemy is out there not within our camp.

Perhaps, just maybe, it starts here with me and you.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Precinct 110: This Story Is Bizarre

I have just received word that the precinct convention in Hays county may have been questionable.

A voter has stated that precinct 110's convention was moved outside of the building at 8pm. The voter stated that the lighting was so bad that the voter asked the woman behind the table if she could read the sign in sheet to the voter. It was after the part about voter address, phone number, and email that the odd questioning occurred. If memory serves me right it would be around where you would write in you presidential preference.

I have been told that an email has been sent to Gloria Whitehead, Hays County Democratic Party Chair. My source tells me that there was an earlier phone conversation about this allegation.

I have been told that the HCDP Chair promised to investigate the allegation.

I will update with any new information. Man I hope this is just a miss understanding.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

It Could Be Nothing?

I have been getting strange reports from precinct 110. I have yet to get a full accounting but there may have been some party crashers there.

The few details I have are that the sign in sheets passed around at the precinct convention included questions of a personal nature such as:" Are you gay or lesbian?", "Do you have a social disease?".

I am told that a call has been made to the Hays County Party Chair, Gloria Whitehead. I will update if anything comes of it.

Gratias Tibi
Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Hays County Precinct 112 and 111 Pictues

I would've taken the Republican's photos but they didn't show up.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


All precinct's in Hays County have reported record turnouts. Dems voted in large numbers. Results are as follows:

Total Eligible Voters: 84,567

Republicans: 8039 or 9.51%

Democrats: 20,179 or 23.86%

I do not have precinct numbers but I will try to pull something together this weekend. I have never seen so many come out to a precinct convention since 1986. The conventions for precincts 111 and 112 didn't even get started until 7:45 P.M. The last voter voted around 7PM.

Hays County is considered a swing county, only recently trending Democratic. If we can keep these voters on our side we will see a Texas Democratic landslide come November.
It's a good day to be a Texas Democrat!

I am having problems uploading images. I will try later.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Wonko's Bud Vote's For...

After much back and forth I have decided to vote for Hillary Clinton. I will also caucus for her on March 4th. While I do like her opponent, in the end, I felt that we need someone who has already been through the crucible.

To me, Senator Clinton is a known quantity and has the experience in Washington to make change happen. I think that she is right on most of the issues such as health care, education, the economy, and foreign policy.

In the final analysis, her stance on border security and John McCain's War in Iraq is what has sealed the deal.

I do not believe that any other candidate has a grasp of the political minefields that await them on border security. I believe that she can guide our country to a fair and equitable solution on the border fence. As it stands now, the citizens of this country have no voice with regards to how the fence will be constructed. Those without money will suffer while the uber-wealthy will be unaffected. If things do not change, John Edwards' belief that there are two America's will have an unintended national monument.

On Bush's War in Iraq, I think that she has the credibility to end the failed and bloody Republican doctrine of pre-emption. I think that she can guide our country back from the brink of international pariah to a full fledged and honorable member of the global community.

There are some who may scoff at my choice, but I am tired of not having a president that I can be proud of. I want change. I need change. I have a strong feeling that she can deliver change.

I made my choice for Clinton but not against Obama. I look forward working with his supporters in the general election. Together, we can finally end the Republican nightmare. I hope you will consider my posting and join me in voting for and caucusing for Hillary Clinton.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Obama Warned Not To Sue Texas Dems...

Texas Dems are worried that Obama may sue to halt the Texas primary. The following was sent out to his campaign.

"It has been brought to my attention that one or both of your campaigns may already be planning or intending to pursue litigation against the Texas Democratic Party," Dunn said in the letter, obtained by the Star-Telegram. "Such action could prove to be a tragedy for a reinvigorated Democratic process."

Dunn is the Texas Democratic Party legal counsel. I say shame on anyone who would pull a stunt like that.

Now here's the rest of the story: As reported in the Star-Telegram, the letter was sent to both candidates. The paper used unnamed sources for their story. The sources attributed the threat as having come from the Clinton camp. Many have jumped on this story in the bloggoshpere as have local news outlets. I have a problem with the fact that, without proof and at the eleventh hour, such a story would come out.

Both campaigns may have intimated that they would do such a thing but, it is Clinton's campaign that is being tagged with the story. This is unfair and really has no place during the primary as it is divisive. If indeed one of the campaigns does follow through with such a threat then that becomes another story all together. I would hope that the Obama supporters with blogs would give the whole story rather than cherry pick information from the story so as to put Senator Clinton in a bad light.

It is these kinds of low road, spineless politics that I detest. It may be the deciding factor as to who I plan to vote for and caucus for. I guess it's time for the adults to take over.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Friday, February 29, 2008

A Sad Day In San Marcos

I heard this morning that an old and most dear family friend, Johnnie Armstead, passed away last night. She was 74. I haven't seen much of Johnnie since her fall a while back. She never seem to recover. I last saw her on a shopping trip to the local HEB. While she looked a little tired she was still so full of life.

Johnnie and my late mother were both friends. During one of our many conversations over the years she reflected on how much my mother meant to her. I liked to stop by the Hays County Democratic office just talk to her. No subject was taboo and even the taboo didn't seem so bad. Though frank, she was always a lady.

In those conversations I got a glimpse of San Marcos history from another perspective. Not only did we cover political and social history we also covered current political and social goings on. While she never said a negative thing about another person, I always came away with the understanding of what and who she thought was right and wrong.

Today in the Statesman, and I'm sure in the other local papers they will write about her community activism. You know, just the facts. But if you will take a moment and read the guestbook, you may come to understand how one Mexican boy came to like and indeed love a little black lady.

My sincerest condolences to her wonderful husband Albert and to her family. Her lost to our community is most dear. And with that, I will close as I always do with praise. But today, in Johnnies honor, instead of Latin I will use English...

Thanks Be To God

Wonko's Bud

15,000 Strong

Senator Obama drew a crowd of about 15000 strong this past Thursday. Those of you familiar with Sewell Park should note that the line went all the way to the big HEB on Hopkins street. Some of my school kids told me that they were there. By the time the event started, the crowed had been packed on both sides of the San Marcos river and the large foot bridge at the park. The crowed was also packed tight on the bridge in between Strahan Coliseum and the apartment complex. The residents at the apartment complex, it seems, had invited friends as there was no room to stand outside.You can see the apartment complex in the first shot. The blobs on each
landing aren't mutated hedges but are in fact people.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The O Man Cometh

Senator Obama will be in San Marcos Texas tomorrow. He is expected to give a speech at 9:15p.m. at Texas States Sewell park. Gates will open at 7pm. I wouldn't be surprised if more than 10,000 show up.

For those of you familiar with San Marcos your best bet is to park on the other side of the university and walk. Shuttle service will be available from the main parking lots at Texas State but I wouldn't count on them. Since my church is close by I intend to walk the mile and a half to the event.

Lucy's, a local music venue, will have a rally watch party. They will be screening the rally via CNN. Space is limited to 700 people. To reserve a space go to Obama's campaign website and look up my obama event. Type in the 78666 zip and 10 mile radius and it will take you where you need to go.

Friends who still drive for the University Tram tell me that security is tight. I would advise those of you attending to carry picture identification and leave your pack packs at home. Weather report says that it will be about 50 degrees.

I intend on being there though I am uncommitted. History is history.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Monday, February 25, 2008

If You Will Notice

I have added a blog that I have enjoyed for quite some time. I hope you will give Susan a read. I have added her link here.

I would also direct you to the other blogs that I like.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008


I was for Richardson when this whole process started. I may still vote for him in the Texas primary. I did the same thing with Howard Dean. Both of those men were my first choice but this year is different. This time around the Democratic bench was a lot stronger and deeper.

Now, I am faced with two candidates whom I believe would make a great president. Over the past few weeks I have gone back and forth with both candidates. I have strongly agreed with both of them on most issue's and strongly disagreed on few issue's. I have thought about both of their chances in the general election and as of yet I have not made a decision.

I have had problems with both of the candidates on the issue of the war and immigration. With regards to immigration, both candidates have blamed the problem on immigrants and are scapegoating the undocumented on the issues of taxes and jobs. In the Hollywood debate, Clinton said that immigrants were taking jobs from blacks. When in fact immigrants are, by and large, taking jobs that Americans do not want. Last time I checked native born African Americans were in fact Americans. I was very pleased with Senator Obama's response to Senator Clinton in that he said that he didn't agree with the premise of the question and that we shouldn't become polarizing on the issue.

During last nights debate, I strongly disagreed with both Obama and Clinton when they both said that immigrants don't pay taxes. The undocumented do pay taxes for which they will receive no benefit. The undocumented pay property tax, sales tax, medicaid/medicare, social security, etc.

Clinton, it seems, has a firmer grasp of the realities on the issue of border security. Of course, I am referring to the Wall. She is right in that border security both north and south could utilize current technology to enhance border security.

I have been opposed to the war ever since President Bush said, "...After all this is the man(Saddam Hussein) who tried to kill my daddy". Neither Obama or Clinton can say the same. Both have supported Bush's War in both word and deed. Before some of you start screaming that Obama has consistently opposed the war from the beginning, I would refer you to the TV show Meet The Press back in 2006 and also on his voting record in the US Senate.

After last nights debate I can honestly say that both Senator's have not sealed the deal. For me, it may actually come down to election day to make a decision. But isn't that a good thing? Shouldn't we cast our votes in a thought full and considered way? Isn't that the American ideal if not the American way?

Wonko's Bud

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Oh My God!

I have just received the three day rundown for early voting in Hays County. This does not include today's numbers. Democrat's in Hays county are out voting Republicans almost three to one. The numbers are as follows:

Early Voting Locations

Kyle City Hall Dems: 214 Reps: 68
Dripping Springs ISD Admin Dems: 218 Reps: 82
Wimberley Community Center Dems: 258 Reps: 158
Texas State University Dems:260 Reps: 68
County Elections Office Dems: 482 Reps:160

Mail In Ballots Dems: 341 Reps: 116

TOTALS Dems: 2093 Reps:723

These numbers are not broken down by precinct. The Elections Office keeps a roster of those voting early and I was told that I could break down the numbers on my own. Unfortunately, I didn't find this out until the office was closed. I will do a precinct breakdown next weekend.

The numbers I find most interesting are the Wimberley numbers. You may have read about that school district refusing to pay its Robin Hood contribution. I will be interested in seeing the Buda numbers. Both Kyle and Buda represent the fastest growing parts of our county.

Wonko's Bud

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus