Friday, March 07, 2008

An Open Letter "To Kiss My Big Blue Butt"

Dear Susan,

There are arguments to be made about Texas' dual primary caucus system. An argument can be made, and should be made, against the current system. It does appear from my vantage point that a vote in one part of Texas counts for more than other parts of Texas. If the state and national parties put more resources to court one constituency over another and then; the state formulates a system that further rewards the courted then yes, Democrats need to reevaluate the current system. If one can be had, there is nothing wrong with trying to develop a more equitable system.

I think that a primary system is always preferable over the caucus system. You write that, "The caucus system builds the grassroots." That is a valid argument in favor of the caucus system but would you consider that the caucus system favors only those who can afford to participate in such a system? Whenever I have attended my precinct caucus the only people who attend are those who can afford to. From what I have seen over the last few primary/caucus elections there are great opportunities for abuse. I have seen it in the pass and currently, I am looking into allegations that it has happened in my county.

You support Obama, I support Clinton, and that is where for the most part we disagree. From what I have read and from what I have seen, Senator Obama and Senator Clinton are for the most part indistinguishable. In the end, I will vote for whomever is the eventual nominee. I will do so because I believe in what the Democratic party has stood for.

Let me put it another way, I am a big D Democrat because I am a little d democrat. I won't allow the rough and tumble process allow me to attack Mr. Obama any more than I think you and others should attack Mrs. Clinton. I would rather and I hope you will consider that it is better to build up Mr. Obama rather than tear down Mrs. Clinton.

I would hope that in the end Clinton/Obama '08 is more than a true Yellow Dog Democrat's dream. Perhaps the candidate's and their supporter's egos' (yes, you and me) are the greatest hurdles for our Party to overcome.

At some point, someone needs to be the one to say basta (enough) this race is ours to lose, Democrats need to stand together if we are to prevail. The enemy is out there not within our camp.

Perhaps, just maybe, it starts here with me and you.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

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