Tuesday, March 04, 2008


All precinct's in Hays County have reported record turnouts. Dems voted in large numbers. Results are as follows:

Total Eligible Voters: 84,567

Republicans: 8039 or 9.51%

Democrats: 20,179 or 23.86%

I do not have precinct numbers but I will try to pull something together this weekend. I have never seen so many come out to a precinct convention since 1986. The conventions for precincts 111 and 112 didn't even get started until 7:45 P.M. The last voter voted around 7PM.

Hays County is considered a swing county, only recently trending Democratic. If we can keep these voters on our side we will see a Texas Democratic landslide come November.
It's a good day to be a Texas Democrat!

I am having problems uploading images. I will try later.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

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