Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sucess, Our Darkest Hour

I have been using the last few days trying to find a new place to live. I ain't leaving the Hill Country because of the election last week. No, we just need better digs. I have also spent some time thinking about the Democrat's near future.

We are a Party that loves to fight so much so that we sometimes we need to whomp on each other, and in the process forget that the Republicans make much better targets. Unlike the Reps, we currently suffer from an over abundance of success. We have seen this election cycle increase Democratic voter turnout. We have had without a doubt the best slate of presidential hopefuls, ever.

The new folks while they are a blessing they could also be a curse. While they may share an affinity for a particular candidate it remains unclear for me if that affinity translates into a new Democratic voter.

There is a old simile, "Un flor de tierra", a flower with shallow roots. Are the new folks who voted and caucused in the Texas primary really one of us? Are they voting for the Democratic principles which separates us from the Republicans, or are they people just caught up in the excitement of the moment ready to abandon us after the drunken revelry has passed? Will they stand with the eventual Democratic nominee in November?

Being a Dem isn't just about getting my guy or gal elected to office. Being a Dem is about caring about the little guy or gal. It's about helping people up when there is no one else there. It's about doing for the least amongst us. It's about doing one's duty and expressing ones' love of country in ways that help real people. There are those who think that Democrat's hate our country. One of my favorite quotes comes from Arthur Schlisinger Jr. (JFK aide and noted historian) he said, "It is wrong to just say my country right or wrong. The true patriot says, my country right or wrong, when right keep it right and when wrong make it right." That is what I think that the Democratic Party is trying to do.

I can only hope that during this, the Democratic Party's darkest hour, that we not lose perspective. Let us have an engaged debate but let us not lose the general election. If you support Obama or if you support Clinton imagine a world where there was a G.W.Bush third term. Isn't that in the end what we should all be fighting about?

Let's work to salvage our nations tattered honor.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

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