Friday, February 29, 2008

15,000 Strong

Senator Obama drew a crowd of about 15000 strong this past Thursday. Those of you familiar with Sewell Park should note that the line went all the way to the big HEB on Hopkins street. Some of my school kids told me that they were there. By the time the event started, the crowed had been packed on both sides of the San Marcos river and the large foot bridge at the park. The crowed was also packed tight on the bridge in between Strahan Coliseum and the apartment complex. The residents at the apartment complex, it seems, had invited friends as there was no room to stand outside.You can see the apartment complex in the first shot. The blobs on each
landing aren't mutated hedges but are in fact people.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

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