Friday, February 22, 2008


I was for Richardson when this whole process started. I may still vote for him in the Texas primary. I did the same thing with Howard Dean. Both of those men were my first choice but this year is different. This time around the Democratic bench was a lot stronger and deeper.

Now, I am faced with two candidates whom I believe would make a great president. Over the past few weeks I have gone back and forth with both candidates. I have strongly agreed with both of them on most issue's and strongly disagreed on few issue's. I have thought about both of their chances in the general election and as of yet I have not made a decision.

I have had problems with both of the candidates on the issue of the war and immigration. With regards to immigration, both candidates have blamed the problem on immigrants and are scapegoating the undocumented on the issues of taxes and jobs. In the Hollywood debate, Clinton said that immigrants were taking jobs from blacks. When in fact immigrants are, by and large, taking jobs that Americans do not want. Last time I checked native born African Americans were in fact Americans. I was very pleased with Senator Obama's response to Senator Clinton in that he said that he didn't agree with the premise of the question and that we shouldn't become polarizing on the issue.

During last nights debate, I strongly disagreed with both Obama and Clinton when they both said that immigrants don't pay taxes. The undocumented do pay taxes for which they will receive no benefit. The undocumented pay property tax, sales tax, medicaid/medicare, social security, etc.

Clinton, it seems, has a firmer grasp of the realities on the issue of border security. Of course, I am referring to the Wall. She is right in that border security both north and south could utilize current technology to enhance border security.

I have been opposed to the war ever since President Bush said, "...After all this is the man(Saddam Hussein) who tried to kill my daddy". Neither Obama or Clinton can say the same. Both have supported Bush's War in both word and deed. Before some of you start screaming that Obama has consistently opposed the war from the beginning, I would refer you to the TV show Meet The Press back in 2006 and also on his voting record in the US Senate.

After last nights debate I can honestly say that both Senator's have not sealed the deal. For me, it may actually come down to election day to make a decision. But isn't that a good thing? Shouldn't we cast our votes in a thought full and considered way? Isn't that the American ideal if not the American way?

Wonko's Bud

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

1 comment:

Linda P. said...

I am having the same "back-and-forth." I think either one of them would be a good president. I like Obama's rapport with the young. As a child of the 60's, something stirs inside of me seeing Caroline Kennedy's excitment over O's canidancy. At the same time, however, I think Hillary has paid her dues and would be a worthy "1st woman Pres".

I will probably go with who I think has a better chance of beating McCain. I have a lot of respect for John McCain, but I disagree with him on too many issues. Huckabee in the White House (other than on a guided tour) is an idea too scary to even consider.

If Obama wins, I think Hillary would make an awesome Secretary of State. I think her skills would be much better utilized there than as VP. Obama I can see as VP and running again in 8 years.

I'm just thrilled that we have 2 such qualified candidates that the decision is a difficult one!

linda p.