Just saw this online. Its actually a still from a fake ad. Basically, the ad makes fun of Hillary Clinton by saying that Laura Bush is ready to be president on day one. But there is a little problem with the fake ad it relies on fake facts. Now those of you who know me may be thinking, " Hold on, it's just a fake ad", but I have heard serious people make the same erroneous point.
The makers of the ad chose to overlook the simple little fact that not only is S-E-N-A-T-O-R Clinton a twice elected United States Senator but, before being a presidents wife, she was a lawyer. The experience gained from defeat, Ala the failed health care reform attempt of the early 90's, was a valuable lesson in national politics.
I don't know how others feel but, I want people around me who have learned from mistakes made. You learn more from your mistakes than from your success'. I guess that's why I like being Catholic. It's a religion that accepts our human condition while at the same time pushes one to be more than ones DNA.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud