Over the past month, I have been reading with much disappointment the affect of the Republican legislature on the youngest and most vulnerable among us. The list is extensive of the misdeeds of the Republicans at both the national and state levels. But for now, I am mostly concerned with what is happening in Texas.
The Texas Youth Commission Rape Scandal, The CHIPs Fiasco, and The Texas Medicaid Debacle; are the three major stories that has caused me to believe that the Republican lead state government has repeatedly proven that they are not only indifferent to children but outright hostile towards this group.
I have often asked, why do Republicans feel the need to thump the bible but rarely live by its teachings? I would not have a problem with Republicans if they didn't use Christ to divide us and to enrich themselves. My problem doesn't lie only with the politicians and the party's which they serve. My problem also lies with the supposed Christians who support them. If they are called by name and if their names are written in the book of life then why do they continue to reject the most fundamental aspect of the ministry of Christ? Love.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." What good is faith without good works?
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Update:I direct you to Dos Centavos for a video its about 8 minutes long entitled, (click on title)