Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gun Nuts Unite

There was a problem with blogger last night and it would only post part of what I had written. I couldn't figure it out so I will try to convey a few thoughts.

I am sort of an oddity. I am a liberal Democrat who likes guns. I like guns for the same reason that I like fireworks. I am not a hunter but I suppose that if I were I would most probably use a black powder rifle. I think that those types of fire arms require much more skill than most modern firearms.

While I am an gun enthusiast, I have a real problem with a piece of legislation authored by State Representative Patrick Rose. Mr. Rose has introduced a bill, HB991, that would keep secret concealed gun permit information. The legislation does allow for law enforcement to have access to the concealed gun permit database but, it would bar the public and the media from accessing that information.

I for one would like to know who has a permit to carry a concealed gun. I would like news outlets to be able to access that information. In an Star-Telegram article Mr. Rose stated that he trusted law enforcement to do the job of checking who can have a permit. I don't. Because law enforcements agencies are not infallible, private individuals should be able to see if someone in their neighborhood is in possession of such a permit.

At this time, I would most likely have written a hypothetical situation of a mentally disturbed individual fraudulently obtaining a concealed gun permit or even a gun. But unfortunately, I don't have to make something up. Confirmed news reports have stated that the massacre at Virginia Tech was perpetrated by someone who had been. in 2005. involuntarily committed into a mental health facility. The shooter was not legally able to purchase a gun and in Texas would have been disqualified to carry a concealed gun permit. He simply slipped through the cracks. Law enforcement in Virginia missed it and it can happen here. It has happened in Texas.

Mr. Rose should withdraw his legislation and work to keep government open not closed to the people who sent him to Austin.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud

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