Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ok, What's Next...?

It looks like we have taken the House of Representatives with a healthy margin, and that we may even pick up the Senate. If true, the question is, what's next? Besides fully engaging in debate on the War in Iraq here are ten things that Dems need to do :

1. Get rid of welfare for billionaires and repeal the Republicans, Paris Hilton Tax Cut

2. Pass all of the 911 Commissions recommendation's and pay for them with item number 1

3. Pass all funding needed to ensure that our troops are fully equipt (see item number 1).

4. Review and strengthen real ethics reforms in both houses of Congress

5. Pass a living wage increase

6. Begin real dialogue on immigration reform and take no options off the table before the process begins.

7. Fully fund education in this country. Yes, do what not even President Bush would do about his own bill and fully fund No Child Left Behind.

8. Begin investigations on the efficacy of new electronic voting machines. Can we Dems get together and protect our democracy from another Florida 2000 or Ohio 2004.

9. Can you say Oversight? It is time for Congress to fulfill its constitutional responsibilities and investigate, review, or whatever word you choose and find out where all the money sent to Iraq has gone!

10. Congress should convene a bipatisan committee to investigate the Oil, Natural Gas, Electric Power industries and try to determine once and for all if the huge profits made were a natural phenomenon or Enron part deux.

We have one year folks to get this done and only one very short year. If Dems control both houses then we should do something that the Republicans are unable to do and that is Work. Beginning in January and not ending until November, both houses should be called to order every workday. You folks in Congress wanted the job, Now Get To WORK!

But, the job is not only your elected officials responsibility. The responsibility is yours also. Write a letter or email to the editor of your local paper. Write your elected officials and say "Congratulations on winning... Now Get To Work." Here's an idea, there is plenty of room on the net, Blog.

Get off your asses Americans. It's time we all got to work. Ok, what's next?

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud


Anonymous said...

I agree with you except on No Child Left Behind. The government needs to figure out a realistic solution to education. NCLB and TAKS are not the answer. Now if we can get someone better for education, and everything else for that matter, in Austin!

Unknown said...

Ditto Christina on No Child Left Behind. Also, if I were going to choose issues for Congress I would make drastic and comprehensive environmental protection legislation the number one priority. Require significant reductions or complete elimination of industrial waste streams, tough automotive emissions requirements, etc. High gas prices aren't really an issue for me--as far as I'm concerned they aren't high enough! Sustainable/renewable fuels can't compete with the subsidies and externalized costs of the fossil fuel industry until the price of the latter goes through the roof. So bring on $3 a gallon gasoline.

Cole said...

Remember that No Child Left Behind was designed and brought to the public by Ted Kennedy. A Democrat.