Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We're Going to Austin

We just received confirmation from Hector Nieto, TDP Communications Director, that we will be covering the convention.

My man Wonko's Bud Too will be covering the convention for me. Alas, family details and work won't allow me the time off. With any luck he'll have a good time.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus,

Wonko's Bud

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Un Otro Voice Has Signed Up To Cover The State Convention

Thanks to my good friend at Dos Centavos, who sent me the request form, I have requested credentials, for a special correspondent, to the 2008 State Convention. I know that we could have gone as either an alternate or delegate, but we wanted to take the chance and try this route. I know that this is a long shot, but hey a lot of things for me have been long shots.

I will let you know one way or the other how it goes.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus Wonko's Bud

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Gun At Hernandez Intermediate: Update

The school district is releasing information that I was unwilling to release. The student in question is a 12 year old sixth grade male student. The gun is now described as a 38 caliber revolver. The amount of ammunition on the students person was two rounds and the gun was unloaded. The administrator is Vice Principal Ricardo Soliz and the teacher is Mrs. Carlyle a sixth grade teacher. The names of the support staff have as of yet not been released.

Questions are starting to arise as to the way the school has handled the incident.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Gun Found In San Marcos Texas School

I have just this afternoon received word that a gun was found within a students possession at Hernandez Intermediate School. The school houses both fifth and sixth grades. The details are still sketchy and have only been confirmed by two sources.

The gun is described as a large caliber revolver, possibly a .357 magnum, and was confiscated from the student after a teacher noticed the student acting peculiar. An administrator was called by the teacher to search the students backpack. It was at that time the firearm was discovered. The gun may have been unloaded but the student was in possession of some ammunition.

It has been determined that this was the second day that the student brought the gun to school. Other students are known to have seen the gun yesterday and some were in possession of rounds consistent with the caliber of gun. It is assumed that those student's who had knowledge of the gun have been suspended and, that the student who brought the gun to school has been expelled.

My sources tell me that the administrator and the teacher both acted prudently, and should be commended for their quick thinking and good response. For one thing, the teacher is said to have noticed the student acting suspiciously with his backpack, and rather than let it pass notice contacted the administrator for assistance. The administrator called police when the weapon was found before informing the Superintendent, Dr. Shafer. The administrator had support staff search the school for those students with knowledge of the gun. Both teacher and administrator (as well as support staff) acted in the best interest of their students and their colleagues.

While I do have additional information, I am keeping it under wraps to protect the identities of those involved and, I will let the S.M.C.I.S.D. and the police divulge most of the other details.

At this time, the motive for the student bringing the gun to school is unknown, but the one thing that is certain is that a potential tragedy has been averted.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud