Saturday, September 30, 2006

Torture Isn't Christian.

Today the President signed into law a bill that for the first time in our country's history eliminates a long held constitutional right of habeas corpus. The right of habeas corpus dates back to the Magna Carta. It provides for the right of the accused to exam evidence against them and challenge the accused detention, futhermore, it allows the accused the right to seek out the court system to redress his or hers incarceration.

The legislation also allows the President Bush to define who is an enemy combatant and if habeas corpus rights pertain to them. It goes on to allow President Bush to determine how The Geneva Conventions will be interpreted by the U.S. But wait there's more, President Bush can now define what constitutes torture.

In effect, the Republican Congress has given President Bush the right to claim that Osama bin Ladin, Saddam Hussein, me, you, and everyone we know; are enemy combatants. For the first time in our nations history it is now legal to detain U.S. citizens incognito, to try and to convict them in secret courts and yes, even torture.

The Republican Party, President Bush, and their supporters claim that the United States is a Christian country. My question is, Why torture? Torture isn't Christian and it isn't a reliable source of information gathering. It is cruel, inhuman, and is only can be counted on to inflict pain. Jesus only mentions the word torture once in Mathew 18.

I don't understand why people who claim to be follows of Christ can support laws such as this. Then again I don't understand how some Christians can allow themselves to be used for political puposes but thats another posting.

I remember part of a song from my youth that goes, "Whatsoever you do to the lest of my brothers that you did unto me..." For me that pretty much sums up the ministry of Christ on Earth. I find not hatred or apathy as a central theme in the life of Christ but love. The love of Providence, the love of a tortured Jesus, the love of the Holy spirit.

What Would Jesus Do?

Wonko's Bud
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Friday, September 29, 2006

All Hail The Great White Man! Whatever

I just read a post on the Huffington Post an article by George Archibald It turns out that the Washinton Times No. 2 is a white supremacist. The article is well written and is backed up with sound journalistic fundamentals. To put it another way, they have his wife on audio tape!

I can remember dreaming years ago that racism in the U.S. was a thing of the past. I can remember arguing that racists would die out, and that Ann Richards was right that we live in a "New Texas", a new american society.

For those who don't know, the Washington Times is to print media what Fox is to television. Basically, they are the Republican Party's propogandists. For me this article is another example of how Fox, the Washington Times, and others; conspire to insure that the gains that some minorities have made are eroded.

Long before this artcle, I had come to the conclusion that racism isn't dead. One need only pickup the paper or surf the web to see that the evil of intolerance is alive and well. I hope my children are afforded the opportunity to live in a world where the tide of racism is retarded, and perhaps (dare I dream) even vanquished.

Gratias Tibi Ago Deus

Wonko's Bud

Monday, September 25, 2006

Water, Water Every Where? Part Tres

Here are some more pictures just up river from the proposed sight. Both this post and the last cover about two miles of the exposed riverbed. The pictures with water are at the old dam. They were taken three summers ago. The area is beautiful. It is located in one of the fastest growing county's in the country. This is why I am concerned about all of the proposed development. We are growing too fast. We have not come up with a comphrensive water plan for all of the local communities to support our current rate of growth. As always there are some exceptions, the city of San Marcos some years ago purchased additional water rights from the Canyon Lake resevoir and the County of Hays does give a 100% tax break for rainwater collection systems but more is needed.

Wonko's Bud

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Water, Water Every Where? part 2

As promised a few current pictures of the Blanco river. These shots were taken at Dudley Park what locals called Five Mile Dam. Remember these pictures were taken after we have already had several days of rain over the past two weeks. All of these shots are up river from the proposed riverwalk. The photo's from the low water crossing mark the northern part of the River Walk. The Blanco river has been like this for months.

Water, Water Every Where? part uno

In the June 8th edition of the San Marcos Daily Record they ran a story concerning the creation of a new river walk on the shores of the Blanco River. The development is estimated to cost nearly half a billion dollars. The article goes on to state that the, "...Blanco Riverwalk will be the most sophisticated — and expensive — commercial development in the city’s history with 835,800 square feet of retail space, 765 condominiums, 440 hotel rooms, office space, medical facilities and a 5,000-seat amphitheater".

The site is located in between IH 35 to the west, and the Blanco River to the east. It is located on the northern end of San Marcos and the most southern end of the city of Kyle. See the attached map.

What the article didn't indicate is where is the water coming from? In Central Texas, we are currently in the middle of a recurring drought. While it is true that in the last week we have had some rain, rainfall averages are below normal. The attached pictures show just how beautiful the area can be where the development is supposed to be located.

I am not against development, but as a life long resident of Hays county I have to ask, how can our ecosystem support such a large development? Where are they going to get the water to insure that there is a river to walk by? Where are they going to get water for those people who choose to live and recreate there? San Marcos already has one of, if not the highest water and waste water rates in the state. See Water, Water Everywhere? part 2, for pictures of the area as it now is after a little bit of rain.