Sunday, May 28, 2006

Dixie Chicks Latest Video Controversy

As I was reading a blog by a friend of mine at Dos Centavos a few days ago when I saw his link to a Dixie Chicks video on I did support Natalie Maines saying what she said about President Bush. In the past, I have liked some of their songs but I am not a big fan. While reading my friend's blog and as an afterthought, I clicked on to his link to their vedio and I didn't expect much.
I can honestly say that this is a great song and a well done video. The video is as powerful as the Johnny Cash cover video of the Nine Inch Nails song. I have read a few postings about the Dixie Chicks' video and song. I have even heard a few comments on local radio (Austin and San Antonio) about the song and Ms. Maines. But I am still wondering what people think about the song.

I believe in civil discourse. I have enabled Un Otro Voice to accept comments. All I ask is that you follow a few simple rules. All submissions should be one hundred words or less. Please no vulgarities. Yup, that means no cuss words or crude language. Your comments are your's so don't hide, be proud of your views identify yourself. Of course I will not publish your email address and I will edit your comments to eliminate any personal info. that you accidentally include. If you choose I will only id you by whatever name you choose.

I would really like to have some thoughtful comments. Most of what I have read have been comments from die hard fans of the Chicks and also from those who are haters (yes even from radio personalities).