Saturday, December 23, 2006
Blogging From The Armpit of Texas aka Abilene
You know like a real Texas House Speaker's race between two Republicans. It's only a matter of time before its between several Democrats. But hey its the only game going on now.
I will also be writing about the news concerning former Attorney General Dan Morales. Funny thing is that even as a young kid when I first met him I asked one of his former coworkers, "He seems like a real oily that just me or what?".
Coal Plants in Texas! It seems funny to me that a state like Texas, which sits on a natural gas reserve estimated to be equal in energy as the oil reserves in Saudi Arabia, that the Republicans want to muck up our air with coal fired plants.
I won't express my Christmas wishes now but I will tommorrow. So until then...
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Saturday, December 16, 2006
History Making Ceremonies Completed
Last Sunday, I had the pleasure to witness history on the steps of the Hays County Courthouse. Liz Sumter took the oath of office as the first woman to hold the position of Hays County Judge. Unfortunately, our camera went dead so I wasn't able to record the even and post it here. But I was standing next to our recently returned Congressman, Lloyd Doggett, during the event.
The following Tuesday, Sherri Tibbe, the first woman to be elected Hays County District Attorney, took the oath of office along with the rest of the new commissioners Ford and Barton. Though they don't officially take office until January, it was nice to see Judge-elect Sumter take the oath. I didn't get to see the Tuesday event because we had a medical emergency.
I did talk to some people at the Sunday event, and we wondered what would be the effect on the various mayors in Hays County that used their office to support the out going Republican County Judge and Commissioners. I for one take a very dim view on those who would take a partisan stand from a nonpartisan elected position. It's one thing to say that Susan Cifford-Narvaiz supports a Republican candidate. It's quite another thing to say that the Mayor of the City of San Marcos Texas supports a Republican, as did the other various mayors in Hays County.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Childhood Memory
I can remember seeing him for the first time in a movie called "Young Frankenstien". The year was 1975 and I was very young, in fact, it was the very first movie I was allowed to see alone. The movie theater in San Marcos was new and I sat in the front row. I can remember some people in the sparse audience complaining that the film was in black and white as the show began. But what did I know, just about everything I saw was in black and white. At the time, my family had only a twelve inch black and white television. at this point in my young life, I had only seen a couple of movies at the old drive in movie theater that were in color. It was located where the Wal-mart now stands.
I remember now how much I enjoyed the film. My favorite scene takes place in the blind hermit's (Gene Hackman) hut and Frankenstien's Monster (Peter Boyle) is invited in. I never laughed so much and rarely do I laugh that hard when I watch a movie. I was hooked on comedies from a very early age because of that movie. It wasn't until much later in life that I discovered other movies in which Mr. Boyle worked on that I came to realize that he wasn't a comedic actor.
This is one childhood memory that I will always cherish. I think I'll order up that movie today. For a few minutes I'll pretend that I am sitting in a little movie theater where it's 1975 and it's safe for a little kid to go to the movies alone.
Gartias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Big Picture's and Party's
There have been many going's on around Central Texas and Hays County in particular. Such as Sights and Sounds of Christmas on the beautiful San Marcos River. The search for a new SMCISD Superintendent. The Hays School District football team moving on to the 4A Region IV Division II finals. I would be remiss if I failed to mention SMCISD Rattlers football team march to a possible 5A Division II state championship. Not last but certainly sad, soon to be former Republican County Commissioner Susie Carter's melt down in Commissioner's Court over fellow Republican County Commissioner Conley's appointment to oversee contract negotiations with the State of Texas. She was against his appointment which will only be until the new Commissioners Court is seated. It was all very sad and very personal.
Now for the Big Picture, the other day my friend over at Dos Centavos, posted something that got me thinking. The comments that I left really got to me, click on the above link. It has to do with making politics and elections relevant to more people. I don't know how to do it but I have been thinking a great deal about it. This has been part of a whole introspective phase that I have been going through.
For the last year, I have been reading a whole lot of blogs. Some of the ones that I enjoy the most I have linked to my blog. I have been wondering if political and social commentary blogging should be more than anger and fear. I say anger and fear because bloggers seem to be angry or fearful about one thing or the other. I don't exclude myself from the above description. I have read few postings that are "up lifting", for lack of a better term.
Politics has got to be about more than pulling people down or tearing people apart. It should be about bringing people together and building people up. It may sound naive, but I think that we have forgotten how to debate. By debate, I mean where ideas can be put forth and truly discussed. A debate where my logic can be flawed but not the process' that brings them forth. Don't get me wrong, I still dislike extreme Republicanism and Libertarianism as political philosophies. I just think that by truly listening to the above ism's that Democrats in particular can learn from and develop a more sound political philosophy.
You should know that just because I have been thinking about Big Picture's doesn't mean that I am not willing and able to engage the, "Nattering Nabob's of Negativism". It only means that until something really gets to me I will be resting and waiting. Since I have been taking the occasional break since November 7th, during which I have been tending to family business and pondering, I think that I will be spending more time researching and preparing for debate.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Monday, November 27, 2006
Where Are You
There are some areas of concern for me on this issue. The first and foremost is that the new Super. should know how to leave what works working. Namely the schools in our district that have received recognized should be nurtured so that they can continue to improve. He or she should also look at the schools administration and determine if there are any problems there.
I doubt that anyone will disagree with me when I say that the issue of student discipline should play a major role. I would like to see a leader that is not afraid to tackle this issue. I want to know what he or she has done in their last district in this regards.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Sunday, November 26, 2006
IT's Time
See ya tomorrow.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I Can't Get The Hang Of This
So let me direct you down to Blogger's Beware: The City of Kyle Is Watching!
Happy Thanksgiving To All! This year I have much to be thankful for. I wish you all could be so blessed.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Free Speech Under Attack in Kyle Texas...?
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Texas Ethics Commission delves into ‘Kyle Klips’
By Mary Elizabeth Davis with the Eagle
Texas Ethics Commission officials are looking into allegations aimed at two Kyle residents and a Del Valle man of possible violating numerous sections of the state’s election laws.
The state agency requested sworn written statements, taken under oath, from Maxine Weatherford, Sherry Anderson, and Nolan Ward.
The ethics commission mailed out the Sept. 27 letters asking the trio to respond to the City of Kyle’s allegations they may have broken election laws. The commission gave them 25 business days to respond to allegations of failing to disclose statements in political advertising, misrepresenting their identity, failing to report financial campaign reports and not appointing a campaign treasurer at the time they reportedly wrote and published the anonymous Kyle Klips website and newsletters. The publications criticized city officials for allegedly wasting taxpayers’ dollars, supporting a candidate seeking the District 6 city council seat, and asking voters to vote on a city amendment to the city charter regarding the number of council votes needed to hire or fire the city manager.
“I decided it was important to share with other citizens in our community the information that I had gathered. My primary concern was that making these findings public could subject me and/or my family to retaliation by public officials who I believed were acting inappropriately. To avoid this retaliation I disseminated the information through an anonymously written newsletter, and later through an Internet blog, that I named Kyle Klips,” Weatherford said in a statement given to the district attorney. “I also did not want the issue to be about me, but about the public issues and public officials who I believe are harming our community. I wanted it to be about the message, not the messenger.
“My primary goal has been to share factual information with my neighbors so together we could improve our community. Though every fact in each publication of Kyle Klips was thoroughly checked before it was disseminated. I knew some articles contained facts that public officials would likely consider unflattering and controversial.
“I was not acting at the behest of anyone else in publishing this material. No one paid me to write or publish and issue of Kyle Klips. I was merely motivated by the desire to disseminate to my neighbors and other citizens of the community the information I had gathered.”
Kyle city council members began an investigation into who created the publications shortly after the May city election. They sent their results to the district attorney’s office.
Anderson responded to the commission’s request. She said she only edited the publication. She does not feel Kyle Klips violated election laws since they came from a private individual.
“This and the Kyle Thunderpalooza are just examples of the mismanagement and misguidance of the city council. It’s clearly an abuse of power,” said Anderson, who works as a tax policy analyst with the tax policy division of the State Comptroller’s Office. “I know I haven’t done anything wrong. We have (Texas) Supreme Court case laws that says that you don’t have to put your name on a publication that you disseminate to the public. It stifles Freedom of Speech.”
Council members removed Anderson from the city ethics commission in August upon learning her involvement in the publications.
Mayor Mike Gonzalez and City Manager Tom Mattis could not be reached for comment. Messages left for state ethics commission representatives were not returned by press time.
“What the city council never took into consideration was the fact that the Texas Ethics Commission should not hold an individual to the same standard that it hold a public official,” Anderson said. “If Todd (Webster) or Tom (Mattis) want to do something, they run to the district attorney. It’s not to be expected that a 70-year-old plus grandmother would be aware of the ethics statues.”
Assistant District Attorney Wes Mau, who handled the case when it went to the district attorney’s office, was unavailable for comment.
“I think it serves the public’s interest to ensure that elections are conducted in a fair and legal way,” said council member Todd Webster, who was re-elected to the District 6 seat last May. “I think there’s an obligation that the city has in making sure that elections are run fairly. The decision we made to deal with that issue was made prior to anyone knowing who was involved. The things were turned over to the appropriate authorities. If the ethics commission decided not to do anything with it, it’s their call.”
“If Todd Webster had a problem with the election he should have pursued a complaint.” Anderson said. “Instead he hid behind other city council members and had them do his dirty work.”
The election code requires candidates or their committees to report how much they raise and the amount of their expenditures if the figure is $500 or more. Candidates submit those reports in the city secretary’s office.
The account of the more than $800 in printing expenses from Kyle Klips or the $6.50 an hour reportedly paid to workers to hand deliver publications to voters’ doors never made found their way on any candidates’ financial reports.
The state ethics commission has jurisdiction over candidates and Political Action Committee’s actions.
“The City of Kyle City Council has spend $21,000 investigating Kyle Klips. It was … a newsletter that is nothing more than one exercising First Amendment rights,” Weatherford said. “This is not in the best interest of the taxpayers of Hays County.”
The exact amount the city spent on investigating Kyle Klips was not available at press time.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
BLOGER'S BEWARE: The City of Kyle is Watching!
For the record, Wesly Mau assistant D.A. Republican was just defeated by Democrat Tibbe.
It seems to me that the City of Kyle and the Hays County D.A's office have gone more than just a little bit overboard. My main concern is over the investigation of a blog. Free speech is the right of everyone in this country. While I have not had an opportunity to see an print copy of the news letter, I have seen the blog. I don't think that a blog constitutes a campaign expenditure, for if it did, then anyone who endorses a candidate over the Internet should look over their shoulders. Yes indeed, Bloggers Beware!
As for the $800.00, reported in the article, this could constitute a problem. Anyone spending money in an election should remember a few important words, "vote for" and "vote against". If you can avoid these magic words then it is an issue ad and not subject to the same rules.
It seems odd to me that the city would expend nearly twenty five times the amount in question, $800.00, to investigate this issue. I don't know what the over all cost is, but in the grand scheme of things, it just doesn't look good for Kyle and Hays County. This is especially so when you take into consideration that the City of Kyle (it would appear) was taken to the tune of forty thousand dollars by the organizers of Thunderpalooza and is currently being sued by the NAACP.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Tuition Deregulation: How To Shrink The Middle Class
It seems that once again the Texas State University-San Marcos Texas, Texas State Board of Regents are seriously considering a ten percent tuition increase (view article here).
In 1986 tuition and fees for twelve credit hours was $486.00 for the fall of 2006 combined tuition and fees are now $2,349.00. According to the student handbook for Texas State Normal School 1903 states that tuition, fees, and books ran $38.00. Now I am not saying that Tuition Deregulation impacted the 1986 and 1903 tuition rates but I only add those figures for comparison. Tuition Deregulation was passed by the Legislature in 2003. H.B. 3015 allowed for the various boards of regents for each university system to determine their own tuition rather than each system having to go to the Legislature for increases in funding.
The only problem with the deregulation of tuition was that university systems were now under less scrutiny. They could increase tuition as they sought the need required. Now instead of the Legislature having pressure being put upon them; to provide adequate funding for our higher educational system, the legislators shifted the liability away from themselves to each university system.
Why did I start with all of the numbers? Consider this, the last time I paid for twelve credit hours at TSU was right before deregulation took effect, and also before the university changed is name. At that time, I paid just over one thousand dollars, and now its more than twice the amount in only three years.
It's time for the Legislature to resume its responsibility and adequately fund education across the board. If education is the gateway to higher income potential then it is important that it be made accessible and affordable.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
District Attorney Sherri Tibbe.......?
Update: I called the Elections office, at 4 p.m., and I have confirmed that Sherri Tibbe is the new Hays County District Attorney. The results were unchanged.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Monday, November 13, 2006
Lizzy And Her Friends
What will the newly elected Hays County Judge Sumter and the other newly elected Democratic County Commissioners, Barton Precinct 2 and Ford Precinct 4, do over the next four years? It appears that water and growth will be significant issues for the new trio. During their respective campaigns, all three stressed growth and water as major issue's for Hays County. It looks like both of these issues will remain important as the new Commissioner's Court takes control in January 07'.
Of course, these issue's have to be looked at through the prism of the next election cycle. In other words, the new Court will have to balance taxes, property rights, and a Republican controlled Legislature. They will have to develop a growth and water plan that will not raise the local property tax rate and, respects the rights of local property owners. If both of these groups can be recruited to a palatable plan then getting the approval of the Texas legislature should be an easier task.
To that end, I hope that the new Court would convene a citizens task force, which would study and make reccomendation's on both water and development issue's. It should be made up of a cross section of residents from throughout the County. It shouldn't be made up of elected politicians talking at one another. If some are hoping for an easy fix, all I can say is, that isn't going to happen. We are in a real mess here in Hays County and we didn't get here overnight, and we won't get out that way. If the process is truly fair and deliberative we should be able to find agreeable solutions.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
The Speaker's Man?
It appears that newly re-elected state representative Patrick Rose (pictured above) has made Speaker Craddicks' list of supporter's. When I first heard of this I had a visceral gut reaction..."That stupid sonof*****!!!!!!" But after a short time calming myself, I pulled out my old politician's hat (yes, I used to be one) and started to think "strategery".
It makes perfect sense in a House of Reps where Republicans far out number Democrats that Rose would give, what I can only hope is, his initial support. I think that the Democratic representatives should however look amongst the ranks of the Republicans in the House for a viable alternative for Craddick. I would be remiss if i did not note that Craddick oversaw the loss of 5 seats in the recent elections. If at anytime since becoming Speaker, Craddick, is most vulnerable now. He is also reputed to use what can lovingly be called mafioso tactics amongst state representatives. Even withing his own rank and file he is not above forcing Republicans to vote againgst the interests of their constituentes.
Perhaps if enough Republicans and Dems can get together and elect another Speaker then we can have a some real bi-partisanship in the Texas House.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Hays County Democrats: You aint seen nothing yet!
A major argument for the change in the commissioners court deals with national politics. Anger against the national Republican Party dealt local Republicans a near death blow but, I don't buy that as the only reason. While it is true that many people in Hays county are angry with the national Republicans in general and President Bush in particular, I fail to see how some Democrats won while others lost. If it was all about throwing the bums out then all of the Dems should have won.
I think that three reasons exist for the change on the commissioners court. First, changing demographics: from the time the court went Republican back in 1998 more people from Travis county and south Texas have moved into our county. Both of these groups trend toward Democrats. Secondly, I think that infighting between the libertarian (no taxes) and conservative (no gays) factions of the local Republican Party fractured their cohesiveness. Finally, I think that good old fashion boots on the ground type work displayed by the Hays County Dems won the day for the newly elected commissioners.
For sure, there are other plausible reasons that the Dems did so well, even among the losers. For instance, Hays County regaining its long lost Congressman Lloyd Doggett who won with 56% of the vote, or State Rep. Patrick Rose wining with 60% of the vote. In short, they had some coat tails. One thing is for sure, as crazy as this elections season has been, 08' I predict will fall into the category of you ain't seen nothing yet.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Need a Break
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Ok, What's Next...?
1. Get rid of welfare for billionaires and repeal the Republicans, Paris Hilton Tax Cut
2. Pass all of the 911 Commissions recommendation's and pay for them with item number 1
3. Pass all funding needed to ensure that our troops are fully equipt (see item number 1).
4. Review and strengthen real ethics reforms in both houses of Congress
5. Pass a living wage increase
6. Begin real dialogue on immigration reform and take no options off the table before the process begins.
7. Fully fund education in this country. Yes, do what not even President Bush would do about his own bill and fully fund No Child Left Behind.
8. Begin investigations on the efficacy of new electronic voting machines. Can we Dems get together and protect our democracy from another Florida 2000 or Ohio 2004.
9. Can you say Oversight? It is time for Congress to fulfill its constitutional responsibilities and investigate, review, or whatever word you choose and find out where all the money sent to Iraq has gone!
10. Congress should convene a bipatisan committee to investigate the Oil, Natural Gas, Electric Power industries and try to determine once and for all if the huge profits made were a natural phenomenon or Enron part deux.
We have one year folks to get this done and only one very short year. If Dems control both houses then we should do something that the Republicans are unable to do and that is Work. Beginning in January and not ending until November, both houses should be called to order every workday. You folks in Congress wanted the job, Now Get To WORK!
But, the job is not only your elected officials responsibility. The responsibility is yours also. Write a letter or email to the editor of your local paper. Write your elected officials and say "Congratulations on winning... Now Get To Work." Here's an idea, there is plenty of room on the net, Blog.
Get off your asses Americans. It's time we all got to work. Ok, what's next?
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Rummy Set To RESIGN
There are a lot of things going on now. I will blog about how local elections have turned out. Suffice it to say that Dems in Hays County have done very well.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Monday, November 06, 2006
Game On
1. Who lied (Republicans) about Iraq and who died (my brothers and sisters in uniform) since 911?
2. Who(Democrats) will fully execute the 911 Commission's recomendations and who (Republicans) has failed to pass legislation and fully fund the Commissions recomendations?
3. Who (Republicans) have aided and abetted a congressional pedophile?
4. Who (Republicans) invoke's Providence (God) but attack's the poor, the sick, and the elderly?
5. Who (Republicans) claims the power of Christ but forsakes his teachings?
6. Who (Republicans) claims to want smaller goverment but has increased the size of the Federal Government?
7. Who (Republicans) seeks to divide us by race, religion, sexual orientation, economics?
8. Who (Republicans) hate fags and uses them as a wedge issue but then turn out to be homosexuals?
9. Who (Republicans) hate brown undocumented people unless they can use them for cheap labor or cheaper campaign ads?
10. What political party (Democrats) can change the direction of our country, defend our Constitution, care for the least amongst us, and fully equip and arm our millitary?
No, it doesn't matter to me who you vote for. I only care that you vote.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Torture Isn't Christian.
Today the President signed into law a bill that for the first time in our country's history eliminates a long held constitutional right of habeas corpus. The right of habeas corpus dates back to the Magna Carta. It provides for the right of the accused to exam evidence against them and challenge the accused detention, futhermore, it allows the accused the right to seek out the court system to redress his or hers incarceration.
The legislation also allows the President Bush to define who is an enemy combatant and if habeas corpus rights pertain to them. It goes on to allow President Bush to determine how The Geneva Conventions will be interpreted by the U.S. But wait there's more, President Bush can now define what constitutes torture.
In effect, the Republican Congress has given President Bush the right to claim that Osama bin Ladin, Saddam Hussein, me, you, and everyone we know; are enemy combatants. For the first time in our nations history it is now legal to detain U.S. citizens incognito, to try and to convict them in secret courts and yes, even torture.
The Republican Party, President Bush, and their supporters claim that the United States is a Christian country. My question is, Why torture? Torture isn't Christian and it isn't a reliable source of information gathering. It is cruel, inhuman, and is only can be counted on to inflict pain. Jesus only mentions the word torture once in Mathew 18.
I don't understand why people who claim to be follows of Christ can support laws such as this. Then again I don't understand how some Christians can allow themselves to be used for political puposes but thats another posting.
What Would Jesus Do?
Wonko's Bud
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Friday, September 29, 2006
All Hail The Great White Man! Whatever
I can remember dreaming years ago that racism in the U.S. was a thing of the past. I can remember arguing that racists would die out, and that Ann Richards was right that we live in a "New Texas", a new american society.
For those who don't know, the Washington Times is to print media what Fox is to television. Basically, they are the Republican Party's propogandists. For me this article is another example of how Fox, the Washington Times, and others; conspire to insure that the gains that some minorities have made are eroded.
Long before this artcle, I had come to the conclusion that racism isn't dead. One need only pickup the paper or surf the web to see that the evil of intolerance is alive and well. I hope my children are afforded the opportunity to live in a world where the tide of racism is retarded, and perhaps (dare I dream) even vanquished.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
Monday, September 25, 2006
Water, Water Every Where? Part Tres
Here are some more pictures just up river from the proposed sight. Both this post and the last cover about two miles of the exposed riverbed. The pictures with water are at the old dam. They were taken three summers ago. The area is beautiful. It is located in one of the fastest growing county's in the country. This is why I am concerned about all of the proposed development. We are growing too fast. We have not come up with a comphrensive water plan for all of the local communities to support our current rate of growth. As always there are some exceptions, the city of San Marcos some years ago purchased additional water rights from the Canyon Lake resevoir and the County of Hays does give a 100% tax break for rainwater collection systems but more is needed.
Wonko's Bud
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Water, Water Every Where? part 2
As promised a few current pictures of the Blanco river. These shots were taken at Dudley Park what locals called Five Mile Dam. Remember these pictures were taken after we have already had several days of rain over the past two weeks. All of these shots are up river from the proposed riverwalk. The photo's from the low water crossing mark the northern part of the River Walk. The Blanco river has been like this for months.
Water, Water Every Where? part uno
In the June 8th edition of the San Marcos Daily Record they ran a story concerning the creation of a new river walk on the shores of the Blanco River. The development is estimated to cost nearly half a billion dollars. The article goes on to state that the, "...Blanco Riverwalk will be the most sophisticated — and expensive — commercial development in the city’s history with 835,800 square feet of retail space, 765 condominiums, 440 hotel rooms, office space, medical facilities and a 5,000-seat amphitheater".
The site is located in between IH 35 to the west, and the Blanco River to the east. It is located on the northern end of San Marcos and the most southern end of the city of Kyle. See the attached map.
What the article didn't indicate is where is the water coming from? In Central Texas, we are currently in the middle of a recurring drought. While it is true that in the last week we have had some rain, rainfall averages are below normal. The attached pictures show just how beautiful the area can be where the development is supposed to be located.
I am not against development, but as a life long resident of Hays county I have to ask, how can our ecosystem support such a large development? Where are they going to get the water to insure that there is a river to walk by? Where are they going to get water for those people who choose to live and recreate there? San Marcos already has one of, if not the highest water and waste water rates in the state. See Water, Water Everywhere? part 2, for pictures of the area as it now is after a little bit of rain.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Dixie Chicks Latest Video Controversy
I can honestly say that this is a great song and a well done video. The video is as powerful as the Johnny Cash cover video of the Nine Inch Nails song. I have read a few postings about the Dixie Chicks' video and song. I have even heard a few comments on local radio (Austin and San Antonio) about the song and Ms. Maines. But I am still wondering what people think about the song.
I believe in civil discourse. I have enabled Un Otro Voice to accept comments. All I ask is that you follow a few simple rules. All submissions should be one hundred words or less. Please no vulgarities. Yup, that means no cuss words or crude language. Your comments are your's so don't hide, be proud of your views identify yourself. Of course I will not publish your email address and I will edit your comments to eliminate any personal info. that you accidentally include. If you choose I will only id you by whatever name you choose.
I would really like to have some thoughtful comments. Most of what I have read have been comments from die hard fans of the Chicks and also from those who are haters (yes even from radio personalities).